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DYTurbo: Fast predictions for Drell-Yan processes including qt-resummation

DYTurbo is a program for the calculation of the QCD transverse-momentum resummation of Drell–Yan cross sections up to approximate netx-to-next-to-next-to-next-to-leading (N4LLa) logarithmic accuracy, including the full kinematical dependence of the decaying lepton pair with the corresponding spin correlations and the finite-width effects.

Installation instructions

Download the source code

  • dyturbo-1.4.2.tar.gz
  • wget https://dyturbo.hepforge.org/downloads/dyturbo-1.4.2.tar.gz
    tar -xzvf dyturbo-1.4.2.tar.gz
    cd dyturbo-1.4.2

    Setup for lxplus

    On lxplus can use a cvmfs installation of LHAPDF (optional)

    export PATH=/cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/MCGenerators/lhapdf/6.5.3-3fa11/x86_64-centos9-gcc11-opt/bin:$PATH

    Configure and compile

    ./configure --enable-root --enable-Ofast
    make install -j 8

    Instructions for compilation on Mac

  • dyturbo-mac.txt
  • Quick start guide

    List of command line options

    ./bin/dyturbo --help

    Prepare an input file

    cp input/example.in process.in 

    Edit process.in, run with:

    ./bin/dyturbo process.in 


  • DYTurbo: Fast predictions for Drell-Yan processes
  • Drell-Yan lepton-pair production: qT resummation at N3LL accuracy and fiducial cross sections at N3LO
  • Fiducial perturbative power corrections within the qT subtraction formalism
  • Drell-Yan lepton-pair production: qT resummation at approximate N4LL+N4LO accuracy
  • Combining QED and QCD transverse-momentum resummation for Z boson production at hadron colliders
  • Combining QED and QCD transverse-momentum resummation for W and Z boson production at hadron colliders