Get started. This is for a MacBook Pro with an M1 chip running Sequoia 15.3.1. ROOT, LHAPDF and most other things installed via homebrew. You should have Xcode and Command-Line-Tools installed. > wget > tar -xzvf dyturbo-1.4.2.tar.gz > cd dyturbo-1.4.2 We need for LDFLAGS to point to the gfortran library; the configure script needs this. This means you installed the homebrew gcc and gfortran. Your directory might be different depending on your installation of homebrew. > export LDFLAGS="-L/opt/homebrew/Cellar/gcc/14.2.0_1/lib/gcc/14" This configure command enables ROOT and disables parallelization. > ./configure --enable-root --disable-openmp --disable-tlsopt Now you need to fix the bug in HELLx/include/math/matrix.hh inline sqmatrix inverse() { T d = det(*this); if(d==0) { cout << "Matrix not invertible!" << endl; exit(44); } sqmatrix b(a22, -a12, -a21, a11); return b/d; } changes to inline sqmatrix inverse() { T d = this->det(); // change if(d==0.) { // change cout << "Matrix not invertible!" << endl; exit(44); } sqmatrix b(a22, -a12, -a21, a11); return b/d; } Then you need to fix the bug in counterterm/ctint.C //QED double sig11_qed[mesq::totpch] = {0.}; double sig12_qed[mesq::totpch] = {0.}; for (int sp = 0; sp < mesq::totpch; sp++) { .... changes to //QED double sig11_qed[mesq::totpch]; // change double sig12_qed[mesq::totpch]; // change for (int sp = 0; sp < mesq::totpch; sp++) { sig11_qed[sp]=0.; sig12_qed[sp]=0.; //change .... Now continue. > make > make install Test it. > ./bin/dyturbo ./input/ The total cross section is 3.0928 ± 0.0041 nb. That takes about 40 seconds on an M1 chip.